Yorkshire terriers, also known as Yorkies, are active, intelligent and gentle dogs, full of energy and enthusiasm.
Each breed has specific nutritional requirements, so ROYAL CANIN® Breed Health Nutrition range is adapted to the specific nutritional needs of each breed, promoting optimal health.
ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult is a food indicated for Yorkshire Terriers over 10 months of age, and has been specifically formulated taking into account all the nutritional needs of your adult dog.
The coat of the yorkshire terrier is one of its most characteristic features. It is exceptionally fine and long; and it never stops growing. Yorkshire Terriers do not shed their coat, so they need specific nutrients to keep it soft and silky.
ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult helps to maintain the health of your Yorkshire's coat thanks to an adapted content of omega 3 essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), omega 6 fatty acids, borage oil and biotin.
Yorkshire terrier dogs can be very picky eaters, and it is often necessary to offer them a particularly palatable food.
ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult is able to satisfy even the most demanding appetites thanks to an exclusive combination of aromas.
Yorkshire terriers are also known for their long life expectancy. They can live an average of more than 15 years, which means that, during the last third of their life, they are exposed to the effects of aging. That is why ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult provides them with a selection of nutrients that help mature dogs maintain optimal health.
In the choice of food for your dog, an important aspect to take into account is that it promotes oral hygiene. ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult helps to reduce the formation and accumulation of tartar thanks to the contribution of calcium chelators.
To adapt to the individual preferences of each dog, ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier is also available as a wet food in the form of an appetising pâté.
If you wish to provide your dog with a mixed diet, follow our feeding guidelines to ensure that he receives the precise amount of both foods and thus take advantage of all their benefits.
At ROYAL CANIN®, we are committed to providing nutritional solutions tailored to your pet's needs. We subject all our products to a thorough quality control process to ensure the optimal properties of the food, as well as to meet the specific nutritional needs and lifestyle of your dog. This means that when you feed ROYAL CANIN® Yorkshire Terrier Adult, you are providing your dog with a complete and balanced diet.
- Coat health.
- Satisfies picky appetites
- Supports good aging
- Complete food for yorkshire terrier, from 10 months of age
- Adapted to the nutritional needs of the breed
- Selected ingredients: can promote health and welfare and achieve maximum acceptance
- Rich in omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and biotin: can reinforce the protective barrier function of the skin, which can be seen in the quality of the skin and coat.
- Dental protection: special recipe with calcium phosphate, capable of trapping calcium present in saliva, so that it cannot accumulate to form plaque.
- With nutrients: can contribute to healthy aging